
Upcoming Notices

Release of Report Cards

The last day for students will be Thursday, June 20th.

We will have our year end assembly  at 9 am, parents and guardians are welcome to attend.

Following will be the release of reports cards, student activities and a BBQ.  

Dismissal will be at 1 pm.

Teachers will be available until 3 pm Thursday and Friday to discuss reports. 

High School Transcripts

The Department of Educatipon will be releasing transcripts in July.  When released, they can be viewed in PowerSchool.  

Further details are available in the following memo.

Reporting Student Absences using Safe Arrival

The Safe Arrival student absence reporting system will let you use a mobile app, a web site to report an absence in advance.

The following instructions will guide you on how report absences.

Tutoring and Learning supports

Tutoring is available for students each day, except Wednesday,  in the library from 12:30 pm - 1 pm.

Student can also get support from CDLI, they offer:

RYCOR - Online Forms and Payment Information

We have begun making forms available for parents/guardians to complete online through PowerSchool.  School fees can also be paid through through this system.

Parents will need to use their PowerSchool account, not their students account, to access forms and fees.

Below are guides to help setup your account.

Upcoming Events

School Announcements

Daily school announcements that are made over the PA system can now be viewed on the following link.