
Progress Reports and Family Teacher Interviews

Progress reports will be given to students on Friday, March 21st.

Family Teacher Interviews will be on Thursday, March 27th from 1-4 pm and 5-6 pm.

Booking an appointment will not be necessary.

Advisory on Access to Schools

NLSchools has released an advisory for the public concerning access to schools. 

Provincial School Development Surveys (Parents/Guardians)

School Development Surveys are conducted annually to gather feedback from students, staff, and parents/guardians to inform the school development process. The survey results will be provided to your child’s school and used with other data to identify the school’s strengths and challenges. Your child’s school will then create and implement a plan to build on successes and address areas of challenge.

The survey is anonymous, which means that we cannot connect your survey responses to you. We encourage everyone to participate so that we have the most accurate representation of family perceptions at your school.

The Family Survey will be available on February 24th, 2025. Please complete the survey by April 4th, 2025 by clicking on the following link: If you do not have internet access contact your school.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the school development surveys, please contact:

          Allan Johnson at 709-729-7831 or or

         Patricia Emberley at 709-729-6850 or 

NLSchools Personal Electron Device Policy

NLSchools has developed a Personal Electronic Device Policy that will come into effect when school resumes in the New Year.

Students, parents / guardians are encouraged to review the policy which can be found here.

The district has developed a Frequently Asked Questions document that can be viewed.

This policy will apply to cell phones, smart watches, music playing devices, ear buds/head phones, etc. 

An exception application is available for students/parents/guardians.  These requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

eNLightened Curriculum Portal

The Department of Education has developed an online curriculum portal, the public can access information concerning Gr. 7-9 curriculum through the following site:

Reporting Student Absences

The Safe Arrival reporting system will let you report an absence in advance by using either a mobile app or website.

The following instructions will guide you on how to report absences.

Alternatively, you can report an absence by calling the school (832-2990) or emailing (

Automatic phone calls will go out each day at 11 am and 6 pm, this is sent using the SchoolMessenger system.  If you would like to receive text messages from this system please view the following document for instructions.  A student’s attendance can also be checked by a parent/guardian from their PowerSchool account.  If you do not have your account information please contact the school and we will provide it to you.

When a student needs to leave during the day, parents/guardians should call the school to grant permission for them to leave.

Upcoming Events

School Announcements

Daily school announcements that are made over the PA system can now be viewed on the following link.